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The Secret Place $16.99+4.75 s&h (perfect binding)
Dr Shailja Collins is a former attorney from India. She also taught Law at a very prestigious university in India. After her Masters in Law she did her PH.D in Law. She has held along with her husband several seminars all over California where she taught Labor laws. She has authored a book on Indian Constitutional Law and several legal articles published in Legal Journals. She was invited by the Law School as a guest lecturer at the University of San Francisco and was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation.
This book is based on Psalm 91 and many other scriptures. The LORD spoke to her in an Audible voice and gave a warning about the coming judgment upon the World. He also showed her that His Bride is sleeping and is not ready for His soon coming. Dr. Collins has heard the Audible Voice of the LORD few times since 2002 in which He gave her messages regarding how to keep ourselves safe from the darkest days that are coming upon the World. He also gave her several dreams, vision and showed His manifested Glory to her. This book shares in detail how we keep ourselves safe in the Secret Place from the darkness that has already started as we see the stage has been set for Gog Magog war by Russia's presence in Syria. The persecutions and behadings of Christians in the Middle East would not just confine there but spread all over Europe, USA and the world not in a distant future. In the Secret Place we would be safe not only from this darkness but also from sickness, disease, pestillence, tsunami, flood, disaster or any catastrophic event. "It is Written, thousand shall fall besides us and ten thousand on our right hand but it shall not touch us. "
A must read before entering 2016 and onwards
Available at: Barnes & Nobles and
Divine Encounters $17.99+4.75 (s&h) (perfect binding)
This book contains most of the Divine Encounters since January 2002- September 2015.
Dr. Collins heard Audible messages of the LORD with her natural ears, had numerous dreams and visions by day and night.
Had a Vision of His Presence
Saw Manifested Glory of the LORD
Had numerous prophetic Dreams which are shared in the book with Interpretations.
The LORD introduced Himself to her on Sept.6, 2014 as He did to Moses in Exodus 6 with His Hebrew Name.
Messages (Audible and dreams) for His Bride on Sept. 28, 2014. Details of what He is saying and expecting from the bride.
On September 22, 2015 the LORD showed Dr. Collins that Rapture is closer than we think. Full details in the book.
$17.99+4.75 (s&h)
Dr. Collins heard Audible messages of the LORD with her natural ears, had numerous dreams and visions by day and night.
Had a Vision of His Presence
Saw Manifested Glory of the LORD
Had numerous prophetic Dreams which are shared in the book with Interpretations.
The LORD introduced Himself to her on Sept.6, 2014 as He did to Moses in Exodus 6 with His Hebrew Name.
Messages (Audible and dreams) for His Bride on Sept. 28, 2014. Details of what He is saying and expecting from the bride.
On September 22, 2015 the LORD showed Dr. Collins that Rapture is closer than we think. Full details in the book.
$17.99+4.75 (s&h)
Footprints of African American Families in Fort Scott. Kansas
Dr E J Collins
Price is $115.00 (s&h included)
This is a very interesting book. The book is partly autobiographical and partly short stories and letters of other African American families who once lived and are living in Fort Scott. The book also contains over 400 pages of information, photos of past and present Fort Scott residents. This book can be a very important historical resource. All proceeds for the book will be donated to kingdom of heaven outreach Inc. Dr. Collins says 'I got my strength from God and that faith ran throughout my life and has enabled me to achieve all that I have accomplished.' This book is on display at Lowell Milken Historical Center, Fort Scott Public Library, Gordon Park Center, Old Fort Visitors Center and Fort Scott Area, Chamber of Commerce and Tourist Center
Dr E J Collins
Price is $115.00 (s&h included)
This is a very interesting book. The book is partly autobiographical and partly short stories and letters of other African American families who once lived and are living in Fort Scott. The book also contains over 400 pages of information, photos of past and present Fort Scott residents. This book can be a very important historical resource. All proceeds for the book will be donated to kingdom of heaven outreach Inc. Dr. Collins says 'I got my strength from God and that faith ran throughout my life and has enabled me to achieve all that I have accomplished.' This book is on display at Lowell Milken Historical Center, Fort Scott Public Library, Gordon Park Center, Old Fort Visitors Center and Fort Scott Area, Chamber of Commerce and Tourist Center
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Below- Worship by KOHM right before the Special Message from the LORD was shared with the dear people in India